Dutch International Zouk Congress 2017

Тип мероприятия:

Dutch International Zouk Congress 2017 - 6th edition!

We're very proud to announce Dutch International Zouk Congress 2017 - 6th edition! The event will again feature the Creators of Zouk, best Zouk instructors, shows and DJ's from around the world and will be held from the 18th of October till the 25th of October 2017 in Breda & Etten-Leur, The Netherlands. This year we will receive some special guests from West Coast Swing. Join us for 8 days of workshops and 8 nights parties!


Dutch Zouk Teachers Course

Especially for those who are teaching and want to improve their skills we have this year the second Dutch Zouk Teachers Course. The Teachers Course will feature some of the masters of Brazilian Zouk and will be held from Friday 13th of October till Monday 16th of October. Make sure you don't miss this opportunity to learn from the creators on how to share your passion. Join us for 4 days of inspiring classes and 4 nights parties!

Dutch Zouk West Coast Swing

We've invited world's greatest West Coast Swing instructors to share our passion for dance. Don't miss out on this great opportunity to incorporate technics and moves from different forms and styles of dance and create beyond imagination. Join us for inspiring workshops and energetic parties!

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