Zouk Retreat Freiburg April 2020

Тип мероприятия:

Attention please
Due to high demand, the last few follower tickets are only available by invitation. If you are interested, contact us via FB-messenger (Zoukarium) or email (zoukarium@gmail.com) and we are going to do everything for you, that you still get your ticket. thank you for your understanding

You can still register as a leader normally


The very first edition of the Zouk Retreat Freiburg is about to happen this spring! We are thrilled to announce that not only teachers from all across Europe will be teaching us about the world of Zouk, but even a transformational coach and a yoga teacher will be joining us for the weekend!

Transformational Coach:
Violeta T. (Amsterdam/NLD)

Zouk Teacher:
Anamé Schmieger (Köln/GER)
David Trux (Basel/CHE)
Dance between Dimensions (Bonn/GER)

Yoga Teacher (anyyogi):
Natalie (Zürich/CHE)


Why should I take part in this retreat as a dancer?

During this retreat you will be given practical tools and methods in order to further develop and strengthen your style of dancing. This entails ways to release your strength and body conditioning, reaching the unique, deep and meditative states in dancing, connecting with your creativity, letting go the overthinking, tranforming yourself and exploring your feminine and masculine energies.

We will be learning how to fully appreciate the present moment in the dance, to love yourself and your partner, to be able to fully immerse yourself and surrender. Our dream is to support dancers to not only transform their dance into a blissful experience, but also to be able to apply this to their whole life.

This course is intended to be mainly for Brazilian zouk dancers, but the content does also apply to many other styles of dancing. If you are unsure about whether you can take part because of your level, simply drop us a message and we are happy to get in touch. The course will be given in English, but translations into other languages are also possible if necessary.


Programm: (Workshops & Social)

Saturday, 18. April from 13:00 till 18:00 (workshops)
Saturday, 18. April from 18:00 till 19:00 (dinner together)
Saturday, 18. April from 19:00 till 22:00 (social | 100% Zouk)

Sunday, 19. April from 12:00 till 17:00 (workshops)
Sunday, 19. April from 17:00 till 18:00 (dinner together)
Sunday, 19. April from 18:00 till 20:00 (social | 100% Zouk)

We are going to have a foodsharing-dinner on Saturday and Sunday.

A more detailed program will be released very soon. Times can vary slightly.


Price: (advance payment only by e-banking or cash)

Full-Pass for students:
*please send us a picture of your studentcard after you have paid*
40.- EUR till 29. Feb 2020
45.- EUR till 15. March 2020
50.- EUR till 31. March 2020
60.- EUR till 15. April 2020

Full-Pass for working adults:
50.- EUR till 29. Feb 2020
55.- EUR till 15. March 2020
60.- EUR till 31. March 2020
70.- EUR till 15. April 2020

It is possible to resell all the passes.
Workshops, Social, Food, Water are all INCLUDED in the price.
For those who have to travel far, Couchsurfing can be requested.

Bank details:
Receiver: David Truong
IBAN: GB05 REVO 0099 7012 0888 05
Purpose of payment: "zouk retreat 2020"

**Swiss: you can pay also in Swiss francs, aks me for more details (currency rate) | Bank details for Swiss:
Receiver: David Truong
IBAN: CH06 0830 7000 3104 1431 8


FOLLOWER: If you are interested, contact us via FB-messenger or email (zoukarium@gmail.com) and we are going to do everything for you, that you still get your ticket.


More important informations:

We keep our space cozy: there are only 40 spots available (20 follower / 20 leader).

There will be no one-day-passes as it is important to us that everyone can have the full experience right from the beginning. If you need a couch to sleep, write us and we will do our best to make it happen.


Who are we?

Transformational Coach: Violeta T.
Violeta discovered brazilian dances 7 years ago (Forró, Samba de Gafieira and Zouk). She noticed that her dancing improved dramatically when she started exploring her feminine and masculine energies further. The connection, transformation, joy and deep meditative states in dance have been her focus ever since. Although she has attended just a few dance classes in her life, her way of experiencing dance and her ability to follow is acknowledged by many international Forró and Zouk teachers who have invited her to co-facilitate their workshops.
Violeta, facilitates deep transformation in a gentle, but effective way. Despite her age, she is bringing ten years of experience in personal and spiritual work. She is coaching individuals and couples in living open and conscious relationships, as well as womens’ sexuality and health. Thus, she has come to be a well-known speaker in Barcelona, (Spain) where she has been living the past 17 years. Today, she is combining her knowledge and experience in dance, personal growth and relationships in order to help dancers to not only transform their dance, but also their whole life into a blissful experience.

Dance between Dimensions: Heloisa, Melissa & Marcello
Our vision with Dance between Dimensions is to sensitize the body, bring it into balance to feel more. Our focus is on experiencing flow in dance. We want to inspire you to take responsibility for your own thoughts and feelings while dancing. By working with the body and perception, we support people in building new body feelings and a mindful connection to themselves and others.
Our vision is to feel more joy and love in life beyond dance. We want to connect with people who share similar interests and values, and who treat each other with respect and authenticity.

Yoga Teacher: Natalie
Natalie offers a Yoga -Flow class suited for dancers feet and hips merging Hatha and Vinyasa elements. She is a trained Hatha and Kundalini Yoga teacher and the founder of Anyyogi. She is a lover of Kizomba and is looking forward to offering a class that prepares for fluid dancing.

Zouk Teacher: Anamé S.
In her early childhood Anamé danced Ballet and modern Jazz dance and continued later with Salsa and Bachata and finally she found Zouk, in these dances she learned alot about body awareness, how to control her
body and how to follow. Learning by doing was her strategy. She wanted to feel as much as
possible and experience how far the connection can develop. For many years understanding and knowing the steps and movements were not her first priority. Until one day she followed a technique class. She was amazed how deep the teachers go by explaining every tiny little movement. How much knowledge and experience lays behind that dance. So she fall-in-love with Dancing again from a very different angle. Now she likes to combine all her experience in her teachings about dance technics, connection, feelings and believes that there is so much more to explore and to learn.

Zouk Teacher: David Trux
David is a Swiss dance teacher. In 2013 he discovered Salsa and started his dance career. After years he began to dance Bachata followed by Kizomba and Zouk. Immediately Zouk fascinated him. There is nothing better than spending an evening in another, beautiful, magical world with friends and new friends, leaving everyday life behind. Dancing is more than passion. It means trust, appreciation and improvisation. His teaching is influenced by many different dances, from contemporary via contact improvisation to salsa, and and and... with the motto of linking dancing with one's own life, making mistakes and smile!

David Trux won 2018 the Swiss-Championship in Show-Dance and took the 3rd place in Bachata.
He is the owner and teacher of the dancing school @ www.zoukarium.com

event organized by Zoukarium

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