Zouk Sister Weekend: Embodying the Sensual Feminine 2020

Тип мероприятия:


E m b o d y i n g t h e S e n s u a l F e m i n i n e

Zouk is one of the most intimate and sensual partner dances in the world, and the way we physically move and touch our body awakens a powerful feminine energy within.

During this weekend we will dive deeper into our sacred feminine sensuality to understand more about this energy and how to fully embody our feminine radiance without shame, fear or guilt.
Because only by releasing shame surrounding our sensuality, we learn to gift the world our deepest inner truth and beauty through the art of dance.

Together we use Zouk & the feminine arts as a way to strengthen our inner sensual connection to our sacred feminine and in connection to other women in a safe setting.

P r a c t i c e s:
- Zouk lady styling
- Zouk leading & following
- Temple Dance
- Sensual Shakti Yoga
- Sensual Dance
- 1st, 2nd & 3rd Stage Feminine dancing
- Sharing circles

Sacred femininity in Zouk
Sensual awakening
Authentic sensuality & expression in dance
Being sensual ánd assertive in partner dance


Xena Georgina (BE/SA): Organizer, Zouk Dancer, Intuitive bodyworker, Shakti Tantra, Sufi Whirling and Ecstatic Dance ceremony leader

Ariana Lara Norcia (NL/US): Zouk dancer, Sensual Dance, Yoni Yoga, Shakti Tantra & Conscious lapdance instructor

Zippora Martosoewando (SUR/IND): Intuitive healer, Integral Massage Therapist, Singer, & Meditation instructor

S c h e d u l e :

Friday (18.00 - 22.00)
18.00 Registration & tea
19.00 Opening circle
20.00 Welcome Session 1
22.00 Integration, rest or going to a Zouk Social/Ecstatic Dance

Saturday (10.00 - 18.30)
10:00 Opening meditation & yoga
11:00 Session 2
13:00 Potluck Lunch
14:00 Session 3
16:00 Break
16.30 Session 4
18.30 Integration, rest or going to a Zouk Social/Ecstatic Dance

Sunday (10.00 - 17.00)
10:00 Opening meditation & yoga
11:00 Session 5
13:00 Potluck Lunch
14:00 Session 6
16.00 Closing ceremony
17.00 Integration, rest or going to a Zouk Social/Ecstatic Dance

Early bird ticket (until 23.01.2020): 111,- (SOLD OUT)
Regular ticket: 125,-

Early bird student ticket (until 23.01.2020): 99,- (SOLD OUT)
Regular student ticket: 111,-

We offer a discount of -50€ for women joining from Eastern European countries

A t t e n d a n c e
Although we are inclusive of all ages, races, nationalities, ethnicities, sexual orientations, religions, etc.. because of the nature of the work we do in this event, it is meant for all who identify as female only.

To serve participants in the best way possible, the event is limited to only 14 women.

Snacks, water and tea are being provided during the whole weekend and are included.

Couchsurfing spots are available, please dm if you need one

Soul Temple (it's a secret location which will be sent to you after you sign up)

> with free parking in the area

R e g i s t r a t i o n:
To secure your spot transfer the ticket amount to
NL28INGB0657444855 on the name of K.X.G. Geurts
with mention of ZSW Embodying the Sensual + *Your name*. Send an e-mail to info.xenagi@gmail.com to let us know you transferred.


Zouk Sister Events is a concept born out of a deep longing to spread more harmony and empowerment amongst women in the (partner) dance communities. To embed a stronger sisterhood in the scene by helping the feminine shed layers of unhealthy conditioning, uncovering their unique feminine essence while fully embodying their sensuality in an empowered way. How to deal with triggers of competition, rivalry, insecurity, jealousy amongst women. How to take responsibility for your own "feminine radiance" & sensual power in dance and life.

Only by healing and awareness, doing the inner work together, we can enjoy our (dance) life in a way that we are free and feel supported. Only by (self-)love can we restore toxic polarity dynamics in the scene. Only by courage and sincerity can we free ourselves from patterns and blockages that don’t serve us anymore. And only by meeting ourselves, can we truly meet another.

When the feminine supports each other, magic happens. It means that they become like true sisters, giving unconditional love, advice, space to feel whatever they feel, space to be silly and goofy, space to talk about their issues with toxic femininity & toxic masculinity. But also celebrating the light side of awakened femininity & masculinity. It means that they show appreciation for each other's beauty instead of continuously compare themselves to one another. That they look out for each other, practice sincerity, take care of each other, help each other develop their intuitive abilities in a safe way, all in order to navigate a sometimes overwhelming (dance) world.

Sisterhood can be both a powerful experience and an equally powerful symbol for togetherness, the relatedness of all women, their relatedness of suffering and oppression, in giving/losing birth and life, in nurturing and caring, in joy and ecstasy.

If this could be done on a consistent basis, how much more of our inner beauty and truth could shine through? What resources can we use to live a more authentic existence and find the strength to create a more caring community?

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» Zouk is a partner dance that originated in Brazil, and can be recognized by it’s flowing circular patterns, hair movements, sensual hip movements, and heart openers (backbends).
That which might make zouk harder to define is it’s ever evolving nature and diversity in music and styles.
» Brazilian zouk is highly compatible with other dances, like contact improvisation, bachata (bachata sensual), kizomba, tango, contemporary, west coast swing and so on.
» Zouk can be danced without partners actually touching, or in a close embrace and leaves a lot of room for interpretation and improvisation.
All of these elements combine into a dance with freedom, connection and spontaneity.


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