SO HAPPY to present VAL CLEMENTE and VANESSA BONILHA in Malmö, Sweden (Copenhagen airport 20 min away)! Val and Vanessa are among the most requested brazilian zouk couples in the world, known for their methodological teaching, inspiring musicality, amazing dancing and great personalities.
Last time Zoukcess organized a big Scandinavian weekend (with Freddy and Andressa) people gathered from near and far and had an absolutely amazing time. Many of you asked for the next edition so here we go!
Optional extra masterclass 18-20 at Malmö Live
Welcome party! 21-01 at Studio Malmö
Full pass workshops 13-17 at Malmö Live.
Party with top dj:s! 21-01 at Studio Malmö
Full pass workshops 14-18 at Studio Malmö
Optional extra musicality class 13-14 at Studio Malmö
Afterparty! 19-22 at Zouk Special Sensual Sunday (external organiser, entrance 40 sek or 30 ddk).
Optional extra masterclass 14-16. Followed by social dancing.
There will also be possibilities for private classes for full pass holders during Thursday-Tuesday.
MALMÖ LIVE - in the fabulous Green room! - Dag Hammarskjölds Torg 4.
STUDIO MALMÖ - in the fabulous Black box! - Nordenskiöldsgatan 24 (at night entrance around the corner).
???????? Both workshop and party place very near Central station in Malmö! Five minutes walk between locations.????????
SENSUAL SUNDAY at Ungdomens hus - Torpgatan 21, Malmö. Five minutes walk from Triangel station.
Prices: Full pass 100 euros/ 1100 sek (includes full pass workshops and parties).
Additional musicality/masterclasses: Friday 39 euros/400 sek, Sunday 20 euros/200 sek, Monday 39 euros/400 sek, including following social dance.
Sweden: BG 291-7060 or swish 0707415571 (Jeanette Thuresson).
International: IBAN SE19 5000 0000 0550 2108 0520, BIC ESSESESS
Any question can be sent to:
Very much looking forward to seeing old and new dancing friends!! //JEANETTE THURESSON and Zoukcess team
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