20:11 29 апр 2018 ProZouk (1703)

demo, DUF 2018

Adilio Porto & Gulnara Yudintseva
1 2.9K
Событие ProZouk (1703)

Flow Festival 2022

Location:TanzCentrum Gold und Silber. Waller Heerstraße 46, 28217 Bremen, Germany.The festival will be 12,13,14.AUG.22. (We have problems to fix the right date on Facebook )It will be a big pleasure for us to have you by our side sharing good energy...
0 1.6K
11:17 28 фев 2017 ProZouk (1703)

demos, London ZoukFest 2017

Linda and Pedrinho Mattos + Renato Veronezi (Music: Wait For It - Round2Crew) Ana Paula Gomes & Leo Gomes Adilio Porto & Kiri
1 3.4K
Событие ProZouk (1703)

ILwZ & Adilio Porto Zoukcreator Laboratory Program 2020 Poznan

*** Wersja w języku polskim poniżej ***In Love with Zouk & Adilio Porto 2020 Poznań, Poland | 12 - 17 FebruaryYou have to be here !!! :-D Workshops & Bootcamp with amazing ZOUK CREATOR !! ADILIO PORTO !!A unique opportunity to talk and...
0 4.7K
10:04 17 янв 2017 ProZouk (1703)

demos, Summer Zouk in Rio 2017

Leo e Ana Gomes Adilio Porto Walter Fernandes e Shani Mayer
1 3.3K
Событие ProZouk (1703)

Zouk & Lambazouk Weekend with William & Natasha by BAILArte 2020

Dear Friends, we have the pleasure to invite you in Cluj-Napoca, Romania, to an intensive Zouk & Lambazouk Weekend with special Guests!★INSTRUCTORS★ Natasha Terekhina and William Dos Santos! The focus of this weekend is on workshops but we...
0 4K
Событие ProZouk (1703)

Dutch International Zouk Congress 2019 - 8th edition

DUTCH ZOUK 2019!!8TH EDITION11 OCT – 23 OCTTICKETS: http://www.dutchzouk.nl/tickets2019The event will again feature the Creators of Zouk, best Zouk instructors, shows and DJ's from around the world and will be held from the 11th of October till the...
1 5.5K

События: Март, 2025

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