BraZouky 2023 Melbourne's Brazilian Dance Festival

Тип мероприятия:
Seja bem vindo ✈️
Welcome to #BraZouky 🇧🇷 AUS 🇦🇺2023 🎉
After multiple resoundingly successful years 🎉 of BraZouky🇧🇷 We are now planning our event for Feb 09-12th 2023 to bring the Brazilian dancing world to Melbourne 🇦🇺

We will have three full days of workshops, competitions, and activities; with nightly parties until late and optional courses after the main event 💕

The event may host a competition line-up including 👨🏾‍🏫 Brazilian Zouk Dance Council registered Jack & Jills for Novice, Intermediate and Advanced Levels 🏆

😲 #BraZouky 2023 event will again see Melbourne host some of the world's and local leading Brazilian Dance instructors 🔥 supported by amazing DJs, and capped off with four nights of immersive social dancing 🥳

🌿 As in previous years, BraZouky 🇧🇷 2023 will also 🌱 be a climate-conscious event. This means that we have calculated our carbon footprint, and have offset 100% of the greenhouse gas emissions within our control 🎉 for more info please visit:

💭 The Dream ⭐️ BraZouky is the first project within the master plan 🌎 This event will help us raise funds to make dreams possible, and by participating in this event, you will be helping us reach more people and make more dreams come true, read more about it here:

✨ Event highlights ✨
🌟 Starter Bootcamp
🌟 4 days of Classes
🌟 3+ workshop rooms to choose from*
🌟 Zouk Starter Pass (for Beginners)
🌟 3 Dance Parties + Pre Party
🌟 Evening Socials
🌟 Introduction to other Brazilian dance styles
🌟 Performances from local and world class artists
🌟 BZDC Jack & Jill
🌟 Optional Special Courses*
🌟 Private Lessons Opportunity
🔥 Artist Line-up 🔥
⭐️ Marck & Melyssa
⭐️ Brenda & Gui
⭐️ Layssa
⭐️ Alisson & Christina
⭐️ Leo Neves & Kat Maxwell
⭐️ Rafael & Juliana
⭐️ Sarah & Bruno
⭐️ Wesley & Rachel
⭐️ Izzy & Steve
⭐️ Shannon & Trajano
⭐️ Jiten & Riana
⭐️ Sunny & Heidi
⭐️ Sara & Jeff
⭐️ Emily & Augusto
⭐️ DJ Wesley
⭐️ DJ Panda (Jimmy)
⭐️ DJ Berries
⭐️ DJ Pasindu
⭐️ DJ Trajano
⭐️ DJ T Zouk

🗺 Location: Prahran (Melbourne - Australia)
The Space Arts and Dance Centre
Prahran, Melbourne
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