Embodying weekend part 1 october 2018

Тип мероприятия:

We do not offer the service of booking a hotel for you, however, hotel can be booked with a special discount code (please e-mail) at 60 euro per night/ p. person at the Best Western Hotel, Rotterdam.

Registration: To apply, please send us a short dance biography of yourself by email, and order the ticket of your choice. Ticket orders can be placed through this event page (fastest) or via e-mail.

Our e-mail address is: info@da-studio.nl

Submit your application ASAP as we have limited places, Please note that your place is only secure when we have received your payment.

International payment details

Bankaccount: NL23INGB0007526418
Bank: ING
City: Rotterdam
Name of recipient: Dancalegria

Paypal: sales@da-studio.nl

This training week focuses mainly on dancing, so it is also suitable for people with no ambition to teach. If you want to take your dancing to the highest level or perform in public this week is a must. Some of the areas covered are: footwork, posture, communication, rhythm, musicality, video analysis, upper-body isolation, creativity, musicality.

In 24 hours we will take you from the fundamentals of zouk to mastering the hardest techniques. This will give you an insight into the possibilities of zouk dancing in all its facets. For people who perform or want to perform this is a must as you will receive video feedback and one-on-one sessions during the week that really focus on you as a dancer with analysis of your strengths and areas for improvement.

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