Zouk Weekender with Junior 2020

Тип мероприятия:

Moments Dance Company proudly presents Junior Carvalho. Master of Flow Zouk.
"Move to improve"

PROGRAM (May change if necessary)

Workshops at Studio Orient from 15:00 to 18:00

Party saturday at Studio Orient from 22:00 to 01:00 with music by DJ Viking.

Workshops at Studio Orient from 15:00 to 18:00.

Workshops will be intermediate to advanced level, so we recommend you to at least have completed our beginner course in zouk with us previously :)


Fullpass = 800 NOK
Fullpass with student and/or OSI Dans discount = 700 NOK.
Daypass Saturday = 500 NOK
Daypass Sunday = 400 NOK
Party Saturday = 100 NOK
Fullpass from other cities and abroad = 500 NOK

Payment at the door (same day) gives 50 kr extra fee. Please prepay, that gives us less work.

Prepay full pass before 5/2-19 and get 100kr discount ( Not for people from abroad, they already have a discount)

Please fill out your registration on the link below, and choose payment option. It's very important for us to have all the correct details. Thank you.


VENUE = Studio Orient in Arbeidergata 4, 0159 Oslo.

Please see the registrationform for more info.
DNB Vipps to Omar (phonenumber: 98407111 or to bank account (accountnumber: 1210 40 89109 ). Or in the door (full price - no discounts - by cash, vipps or card).

Bank transfer. IBAN nr is NO41 12104089109 Bic adress is DNBANOKKXXX Name Omar Eikrem my adress Christian Schousvei 22c 0588 Oslo .

Important notice:

* Bring water to the Studio.

*Indoor shoes is absolutly required. Take them off upstairs.
You may dance without shoes.

*No alcohol is permitted at the party. But you may drink before
you arrive.

*Pictures are takes during parties and workshops for promotion and memories. Please tell us beforehand if you dont want your pictures to be taken.

*PROGRAM and Venue May change if necessary.

Omar Eikrem ( 9840 7111) or write him on Facebook.
Or send Moments Dance Company FB Page a message.

Zouk and love,
Moments Dance Company http://momentsdance.no/index.html
Follow MDC on FB here: Moments Dance Company :)

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