Freddy & Andressa ZOUK Workshops in Berlin 2018

Тип мероприятия:

Do you usually get sad when summer ends? Not this year thanks to the great Dança Alegria Vereinstraining with Freddy & Andressa on September 28th-30th! As always there will be zouk workshops and parties during the weekend, FREE for Dança Alegria members!

******PROGRAM****** (!times subject to changes!)
Friday, 28.09.2018
22:00 - 02:00 --> Zouk Party @La Mambita 

Saturday, 29.09.2018:
12:45 : Registration, Payment, Bracelets, Hugs :-)
13:00 - 17:00 --> 4h Open-Level Zouk Workshops @La Mambita Etage
22:00 - 2:00 --> Zouk Party @La Mambita Etage (entrance fee: €5)

Sunday, 30.09.2018
19:00 - 20:00 --> Zouk Class @Soda Club (entrance fee: €6 incl. 1h Zouk class and Party)
20:00 - 00:00 --> Zouk Party @Soda Club (entrance fee: €6 incl. 3€ drink coupon)

Freddy & Andressa got especialized in zouk due to their years as part of Renata Peçanha’s Dance Company in Brazil. Freddy has been one of the creators of Renata Peçanha’s Dance Company and acted as dancer and instructor in her studio since 2004. Freddy & Andressa have become highly respected teachers and performers in the Zouk scenery and left Brazil in 2010 spreading the Brazilian dances around the world. Along the years living and teaching abroad, together they created and developed the Fundamentals Course, a teaching methodology with an application more appropriated for beginner dancers that grew without the cultural immersion of the dance and rhythm like the Brazilians do.

******PRICES****** (!prices to be defined!)
FREE for Dança Alegria members!!! (Except Soda on Sunday)
To know more about Dança Alegria and how to become a member visit:

Full Pass: 4h Open-Level workshops + Friday & Saturday party €60

Coming from outside? Register online and pay your pass with bank transfer (up to one week before the event!) or come 15min before the beginning of the workshop and pay cash:
Danca Alegria e. V. 
IBAN: DE16 4306 0967 1138 5196 00
Description: Name, Last Name, Freddy and Andressa

Private classes are a great way to speed up your learning process! Freddy & Andressa are also available for private classes in Berlin. Contact us at for more information on time and prices.

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